Individual & Family Memberships

Since 1969, support from members is the foundation of our success as one of the largest maritime museums on the Great Lakes.

Members directly empower us to offer exhibits and programming related to Great Lakes history, environmental education, and USS Cobia, the most historically accurate World War II submarine in the nation.

Museum membership includes free admission to museum, invitations to exclusive exhibit openings and 10% discount in the museum store!

Membership Options and Benefits

Benefit Individual Access Family Supporting Patron /
  $60 $25 $100 $150 $500-$1,000
Free admission – unlimited visits per membership year 1 cardholder, 1 guest 2 cardholders, all children in family under 18 2 cardholders, all children in family under 18 2 cardholders, all children in family under 18 plus 1 guest 2 cardholders, unlimited guests
10% discount in museum store
Subscription to The Anchor
Discounts and exclusive invites to events, & programs
Monthly email newsletter
CAMM & ROAM reciprocal membership    
Discount on birthday parties & room rentals      
  Select Individual Select Access Select Family Select Supporting Select Patron /

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