Think & Drink Programs

Our Thursday Think & Drink programs feature a range of historical and maritime experts. It is the first Thursday evening of every month, starting at 6:30 pm. Admission is free in person and online, and there is a limited cash bar that features a specialty cocktail and non-alcoholic alternative related to the theme of the talk. Doors and bar open at 6:00 pm.

This year’s theme is ice. Ice is a defining feature of maritime history and the history of Wisconsin. From the glaciers that carved the geology of our state to traditional indigenous ice spearfishing to submarines surfacing through Arctic ice to popular winter pastimes, there are so many fascinating stories that have been frozen in time.

Visit our Events Calendar to learn about our upcoming Think & Drink programs and many other programs and events here at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum!

Think 'n Drink Program logo featuring two clinking beer mugs

Sponsorship Opportunities

Help us to continue offering these programs for free! Program Sponsorships are available! Visit our Sponsorship page for more information.

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