Temporary Exhibits & Displays

WATER DANCE:  A Painter’s Pilgrimage              An Exhibit Exploring Wisconsin’s Waterways 

January 20 – September 2, 2024

This exhibition Water Dance is the result of a multi-year, visionary collaboration by artists Bonnita Budysz and Robert Theaker.  The Wisconsin Maritime Museum presents 40+ of their artworks that showcase and celebrate the story of water throughout Wisconsin.  As seasoned outdoors (wo)men, Bonnita and Robert have canoed, hiked, explored, and painted en plein air, literally at the water’s edge. This exhibit explores those waterways through original paintings in oil and watercolor.

Towers of Power

January 2023 – Fall 2024

Towers of Power represents over 100 years of Midwestern marine design and engineering.  Over 50 outboard motors are on display and represent only a fraction of the 400+ outboard motors in the Wisconsin Maritime Museum Collection. The majority of the collection was amassed by Orlin C. Johnson (1924-2002) of Staunton, Illinois. Johnson was a champion bass fisherman and he built a substantial and well documented collection, including some of the earliest examples of outboard motors known.

Great Lakes Lore and Legends

The Great Lakes have had a major impact on the cultures and traditions of the different people living along its shorelines for thousands of years. Specifically, the oral traditions that have origins in these lakes have created a sense of mystery and legend surrounding the shores. This exhibit takes a closer look at some of these legendary stories. 

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