Manitowoc 28
USS Golet (SS 361)

On Eternal Patrol
Keel Laid – January 27, 1943
Launched – August 1, 1943
Commissioned – November 30, 1943
USS Golet began her first patrol on March 18, 1944 off the Kuril Island chain, but the patrol was unsuccessful due to severe weather. When Golet departed on her second patrol on May 28, 1944 a door of silence closed behind her and Golet was never heard from again. Golet was expected to return to Midway on July 12th or 13th. On July 9th a message was sent to her which required acknowledgement, but none came. Two days later a sharp lookout was posted at Midway for a submarine coming in without the ability to communicate. When no word was received and the sub had not returned by July 26, 1944, Golet was presumed lost.
Data from Japanese anti-submarine records indicate Golet was presumably the victim of a depth charging on June 14, 1944. The records mention the attack brought up corks, raft, debris, and a heavy pool of oil.

USS GOLET Crew On Eternal Patrol
ENS Barlow, George Robert
EM2 Barnes, Elwin Charles
MOMM1 Barta, Richard Andrew
MOMM1 Bartz, Edward Ludwig
GM3 Beaulieu, Donald William
MOMM3 Belcher, Donald Lee
SM2 Bickham, Carl McCasland
RT1Blackburn, Edward Richard
MOMM3 Breunig, John Wilson
LTJG Brown, John Warren
CTMA Butor, Joseph Alfred
TM3 Carr, Allan Harold
LCDR Clark, James Seerley
EM3 Coram, William Melvin
QM1Danko, Robert Raymond
SM2 Davidson, Walter Dearl
MOMM2 Dowey, Clifton
S1 Earle, Vinton Jordan
MOMM2 Edwards, Willard Archie
MOMM2 Germann, LeRoy Leo
S2 Goetz, Herbert C.
F1 Gormley, George Leonard
TM3 Greenhalgh, Joseph Frederick
MOMM3 Grumet, Stanley Erwin
MOMM1 Guest, Oliver Clark Jr.
RM3 Hanley, Robert Edward
TM3 Hardy, Robert Edwin
CEM Harville, Raymond Lavery
EM1 Hendley, George Donald
MOMM3 Hoffman, Robert Edward
FC2 Hughes, Elmer James
RM3 Humble, Jack Junior
TM2 Infalt, Robert William
LT Johnson, Clarence Herman
LTCDR Kane, Walter Maurice Kane Jr.
QM3 Kolbucar, John
S1 Koutsos, John Mike
EM3 Leinwand, Leo Richard Jr.
MOMM2 Leonard, Cecil Burton
S1 Lewis, George James
MOMM2 Lockwood, Glen Gordon
MOMM2 Lytle, Horace Paul
EM2 Martin, Clifford Leroy
STM1 McCulough William Evorn Jr.
LT McLaughlin, Harry Bland Jr.
CPHM Miller, Ernest Wade
EM2 Millhouse, Gilbert Lee
CFC Milus, Peter Paul
F1 Numair, Solomon Joseph
TM2 Parry, Michael
RM1 Peterson, Melvin Lars
EM3 Pinter, George Anthony
EM1 Porgrais, Frank Rudolph
MOMM1 Reichelt, Robert Charles
SC1 Rockwood, Arthur Judson
GM2 Rose, Julius
S2 Rymal, James Guy
LT Sadler, Walter Robert
MOMM1 Schlemmer, Arvale Elvin
MOMM3 Schramm, Ernest Ferdinand
CEMA Sederstrand, Clifford Edward
TM3 Sieracki, Eugene Felix
TM3 Simandl, Robert Anton
RM2 Smith, Donald Bruce Jr.
ST3 Sterling, George Jr.
CMOMMA Stone, Arthur Robert
EM2 Strout, John Clinton Jr.
MOMM1 Stull, William Gene
TM1 Sturdivan, Jess Elmer
MOMM1 Sutherland, Emil Horace
Y1 Swartzback, Woodrow Wilson
S1 Tarr, Alfred Horatio
TM2 Thompson, Roland Morris
SC2 Tinker, Raymond Beverly
LTDR Wadsworth, Alexander Scammel III
MOMM2 Walz, Raymond Robert
BM2 Wesley, John Harris
ENS White, Joseph Stanley
LT Whitney, Ernest Edward Jr.
TM1 Williams, Roy Edgar
TM2 Winkle, Walter Joseph
SC1 Wright, Homer Don
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