Project Dry Dock 2025

USS Cobia, a National Historic Landmark Vessel, is an irreplaceable shrine where we remember what it means to defend our nation. Part of our obligation to our veterans is to preserve national treasures like USS Cobia so that future generations will always have the opportunity to acknowledge the debt we owe the fallen.

 Historic preservation and restoration is a never-ending job for any historic site, but it is especially important for historic vessels in water. Time and the elements are not kind to ships, and USS Cobia is no exception. It takes more than $150,000 every year to keep Cobia “ship-shape” and ready for visitors.  That’s why we’re asking you for your help in maintaining Cobia in a condition that honors those who built submarines and served on them.

National Register of Historic Landmarks – 1986

Dry Dock 101

What does dry dock mean and why do we need to do it?

Taking a vessel out of the water to clean, inspect, and repair the underwater hull.

Routine hull maintenance is critical to the longevity of historic vessels. Cobia will be removed from the water, so we can properly clean and inspect the underwater hull. Free-flood areas, such as the spaces around the torpedo tubes, will be cleaned and any wasted metal, if any, will be repaired. Tanks (ballast, fuel, etc.) will be inspected to ensure not only water-tight integrity on the outside, but also on the inside. Vessels can also rust from the inside out, so it is critical to look in all areas that are not easily accessible while the sub is in the water. 

When will Cobia go into dry-dock?

Cobia is scheduled to go to dry dock in September 2025. The sub will be towed to Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding in Sturgeon Bay, WI. Cobia is expected to be gone for four to six weeks.

How much will it cost?

The estimated cost is $1.5 million. This includes work needed to prepare the boat for the trip to Sturgeon Bay, towing, time in dry dock, hull cleaning, coating the sub with an epoxy coating and paint to protect the hull for at least 25 years, and any metal repairs that may be needed. The full extent of repairs will not be known until we can properly inspect the hull. 

Thank you to our Supporters!

Every dollar counts. Help us preserve Cobia to honor the crew and keep their memory alive for future generations. 

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Research & CollectionsUSS Cobia & Manitowoc SubsSubmarine USS CobiaCobia Dry Dock Project